Welcome to my Website!

Hi fellow Bubble Dreamers!!!! This site is made for you!

Little Bubble Dreamers was the best show on TV. It follows the bubbly adventures of Bubblegum Panda, Sweetheart Muffin, Angelfluff, Tambourine, Cheekers and my favorite, Catsup!!!

When the going gets tough, the tough get bubbly! Using their bubble powers, the dreamers could get their way out of any situation!

Although they only released one VHS tape, it's time to bring it back in the year 2000! Please sign my guestbook and say why you want Little Bubble Dreamers to come back! It'd be great to meet other fans of the show!!

I haven't won a webby yet but I want to!

Thank you to Zephrift on Deviantart for the rainbow gif! Kouenli for the rainbow cursor.

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

Number of Bubble Dreamers who visited this site:quotecarinsurance.com